Thursday, July 9, 2009

Death Makes Us All Equal

The news has been filled the last several weeks about celebrity after celebrity dying. The coverage began with Ed McMahon which was dwarfed by Farrah Fawcett, whose coverage was eclipsed by Michael Jackson, then there was semi-celebrity Billy Mays, and now over the weekend Steve "Air" McNair. And if you have tried to watch any t.v. in the last few days everything has been focused on MJ's memorial.

If anything has been proven it is that our society is OBSESSED with celebrities. Why else does our society fawn over every detail, every magazine, every "news" show that talks about them? So much is made of their deaths, particularly the so-called "untimely" ones. In the midst of the "news" of their deaths I have been struck by one thing; we ALL will face death as well. In the end death makes us all equal; no matter how we try, it is something all humans will have to face. Why is that?

As a Christian who studies the Bible I find that the reason is because of sin. I believe that God created the universe and placed a man and woman on this earth; and this was done in complete perfection. I also believe that when God created the human race He endowed us with the freedom of choice. Exercising that freedom man and woman chose to disobey God's one "thou shalt not" and through that decision sin entered and a curse fell upon creation and humans. That curse includes death and ever since that decision the human race has had to deal with death.

The Bible further reveals that by our sin (our disobedience of God's decrees) we have EARNED death. It is not something that God punishes us with because He is cruel, but it is something that we have brought upon ourselves. As a good parent I try to instill good virtues in my children. Part of that process involves disciplining them when they have disobeyed me. If I were to ignore their disobedience or worse allow them to do whatever they so desire, then my children would be ruined. I rather choose to set limits for them and when they are outside the limits by their own choice then there are consequences for those decisions. It is the same with humans and God; when we choose to live outside the limits God has placed then there are consequences; death is one of those.

It does not matter if I am completely unknown or the entire world knows me, because I live under the curse of death and one day death will be a reality for me, and the same is true for you. As sobering a thought that is, there is hope. The Bible tells me that though the wages of sin is death, the GIFT of God is eternal life through His Son Jesus. Those who place their trust in Him and His death on the cross as payment for their sins have the hope that though they die they will be given a new life. Now this may sound a little strange or hard to understand, and if you contact me I'll be glad to explain more. But let me simple state here that because God is loving, though we choose to rebel against Him, He does not want us to experience death without a chance at life. So Jesus, God the Son, was born that He may take our place by dying on a cross. So while death makes us sinners all equal, Jesus gives us the opportunity to be equally forgiven.

My question for you is "in light of these recent deaths have you contemplated your own mortality?" Have you thought about the day that you will breath your last breath? Are you prepared to face what awaits you when you do? Are you prepared to face the consequences of your choices? Have you sought the forgiveness God provides to us sinners condemned to death?

If not, why not today?

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